Every year we have a Vision Offering that equips us to execute our Vision at Hope. This is an annual one-time sacrificial gift above and beyond our regular tithes and offerings which enables us to take big steps forward in fulfilling the opportunities God has placed before us.
Our “2024 Vision Offering” will be on Saturday 27th September and we warmly welcome those from other parts of the world to stand with us through prayer and where possible by giving using the button below.
We believe that “TRANSFORMED PEOPLE IGNITE TRANSFORMATION IN OTHERS” and our Vision is twofold: Making Disciples and Making a Marked Difference in Newtown, Mid-Wales and beyond. Our goal is to use all means possible to effectively impact as many as we can with the love of God, both locally and elsewhere.
James 2:6 is a constant reminder to of how practical the love of God should be when he writes: “If one of you says, 'Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?”
We are always encouraged when others are inspired by our vision and if you are moved to support us prayerfully or financially, THANK YOU!